Touch of Evil Comics is a fictional store that carries new and used comics, books, and toys, as well as the occasional oddity.
SCOPE OF PROJECT:  A basic social media campaign to raise brand awareness.
CHALLENGE:  For decades this has been a one-person operation, so because of time and energy constraints, not much has been done with their social media accounts, other than the random meme or notice of closure for inclement weather. Now the owner has brought his daughter into the business and they are ready to try a new approach. 
SOLUTION: The deliverables include an introductory carousel showing off the shop and what they're about, a series of single-image static posts featuring comic book quotes from legends in the business, a reel based on the carousel, and a story that reuses the comic quotes images. Since the only branding collateral available was a logo, I used that with mostly stock images and created a nice look that captured the mood and the ambiance of the shop.
The TOE logo from a few years back over a ray-gun illustration.
Two versions of the TOE logo are in black and orange.
White and Orange versions of the TOE logo on black.
The official reel for Touch of Evil Comics is based on the Carousel.
Single-image static post with a quote from Alan Moore.
Single-image static post with a quote from Neil Gaiman.
Single-image static post with a quote from Stan Lee.
And finally, the Instagram story with a surprise discount code at the end for those who make it to the end.
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